To start modeling the Aston Martin a 2D line drawing of the car must be found to base the model of the car on. I found this one through searching on google images. Once i found this i had to split the picture into the seperate views of the car to make it eeasier to import into 3DS Max. To do this i opened the image in Photoshop and croped the picture down to each of the seperate views and saved each one.

Then, once this is done, draw a plane in 3Ds Max draw a plane from the standard primitives tool bar in the front view port. Go into the modify tool bar and set the height and width of the plane to 10% the size of the images that have been cropped. This will provide an accurate side front drawing of the car that will be to scale. Once this is done the image can be placed onto the plane through the material editor and adding the image as a bitmap and dragging it onto the plane.

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